
​As we all know hemp is now legal nationwide for agricultural production. With Sapphire’s ubiquitous presence as a leading cannabis security and hemp security company in the industry, we have met a lot of amazing individuals and have learned about their ideas. One is Eric McKee; he is involved heavily in the hemp industry and building Hempcrete houses and buildings. …

Who Are You In The Cannabis Industry?

When most people say they have been involved in an industry for five years, they usually are considered new to that industry. In the cannabis industry, five years is considered a lifetime because as we all know the business of cannabis is really no more than ten years old. Back when I started, there were two types of people in …

Adding Temporary Staff on Your Way to Long-Term Success

​Previously we have written about educating your seasonal staff and taking steps to limit your vulnerability to theft by your seasonal staff. But as the employer-employee relationship changes during this age of the “gig economy”, the attitudes and interests of your temporary employees should be taken into account. ​As any good planner will tell you, it’s never too late to plan for the …