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Advice from a NYC Doctor

Although the coronavirus has upended lives around the world, doctors are learning more about the virus every day. As a doctor in the intensive care unit in New York City, Dr. Dave Price shared his perspective and advice on how people can prevent the spread of this virus. At his hospital, Cornell Medical Center, almost the entire facility is devoted to the treatment of Covid-19. The following are summarized responses to some of the questions that he responded to in a recording that can be viewed here.

What is Covid-19?

Doctors believe that the virus is new to the human body, likely originating from an animal. Doctors now know that the virus likes to attack the lungs and the most common symptoms are fever, cough, and sore throat. Around 90% of all Covid-19 patients experience fever. Symptoms caused by the virus typically last between 5-7 days but can last for up to 14 days.

How does Covid-19 Spread?

Doctors believe that the virus is most frequently spread through sustained contact with someone with symptoms of Covid-19 or with someone who will develop symptoms of Covid-19 within 1-2 days. The vast majority of transmissions are caused by people touching their face, particularly the eyes, nose, or mouth. The virus is most easily spread from surfaces by people touching that surface with their hands and then transmitting the virus by touching their face.

Four Rules to Remember

  1. Keep Your Hands Clean: Frequently wash and sanitize your hands. If possible, use hand sanitizer or disinfectant wipes when leaving your home. The CDC recommends washing hands for 20 followed by hand sanitizer.
  2. Keep Your Hands Off Your Face: Be aware of where your hands are and make a conscious effort not to touch your face.
  3. You Don’t Need a Medical Mask: The general public does not need a N95 medical mask. These should be reserved for healthcare professionals and high-risk populations. Fabric masks or face coverings will be sufficient. The greatest benefit of the mask is that it will remind you not to touch your face.
  4. Keep Distance Between People. You don’t need to be scared of the outside world. Keep with social distancing guidelines, but don’t be paranoid. Your neighbors aren’t going to potentially infect you, they are going through this with you. Find your isolation group or family to stay with exclusively until social distancing guidelines are rescinded and communicate with others virtually.

What do you do if you get sick?

The trend seen around the world has been that the virus is commonly spread through family or home transmission. If someone is sick, they should self-isolate. If they are in a home with others, they should stay in a separate room and use a separate bathroom if possible. If they must be in a community space, they should wear a medical mask to prevent others from getting sick.

If someone thinks they might be sick, they should take precautions and monitor symptoms. If they start to feel better in 1-2 days, its likely a cold and not the coronavirus. People should be especially cautious around high-risk populations. It is a danger to others to be cavalier about symptoms and not self-isolate.

When do you go to the hospital?

The main reason to go to the hospital is if a person is experiencing shortness of breath. About 10% of people with Covid-19 experience shortness of breath, and about 1-3% of these patients require the use of a ventilator for 7-10 days. Someone should not go to the hospital for fever or body aches, and many of those arriving at the hospital are being sent home.

Should I get tested?

Unless symptoms are severe, people should only get tested if tests are widely available in their community. If tests are scarce, they should be saved for those that need them most.

What should we expect in the future?

People should expect social distancing measures to remain in place for months up to a year, depending on their risks. People should accept these guidelines as the new normal for now and get used to the restrictions. The vast majority of people who contract coronavirus will recover. Covid-19 will circulate through the population like every other virus, but will become more mild as people build up an immunity.

Coronavirus can affect all people, regardless of age or sex, but doctors know that the virus dies as soon as it is exposed to disinfectant, so hand washing and sanitizing is especially important. Take advantage of telehealth services available during this period to help alleviate stress on the medical system and donate medical face masks or supplies if you are able. It’s safe to go outside, but you should follow the rules above when doing so. Don’t be scared – we all get through this together.