Black Friday

How to protect yourself from criminals the week of Black Friday

Black Friday is one of the biggest shopping days of the year. Unfortunately, while you’re excited for all of the great deals, criminals are excited for all of the distracted shoppers. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to make yourself a less desirable target for criminals this Black Friday.

Find a visible parking spot

Even if it takes a little longer, look for the best parking spot to deter break-ins. Look for a populated area that is well lit and has maximum visibility.

Put down your cellphone

Criminals look for shoppers who are distracted – they are easier targets. That’s why it’s important to stay alert and off your phone as you shop and as you walk out to your car.

Make eye contact

If someone seems suspicious, it may be beneficial to make eye contact with them. This seems counter-intuitive, but making eye contact can deter a potential criminal from striking because they know they’ve been spotted. They will most likely look for an easier target, one who hasn’t had time to remember what they look like.

Store belongings out of sight

Keep your bags covered and in the trunk. This reduces the incentive a potential criminal has to break into your car. A break in poses a risk to a criminal (they may get caught), so if they can’t find a guaranteed reward through the window, it is likely they will move along or find a different target.

Use the buddy system

Just having a friend to shop with can lower your chances of being the victim of criminal activity. Criminals like an easy target, and since two are stronger than one, they’re less likely to strike.

Remember your COVID-19 practices

Due to COVID-19, we are already practicing social distancing. Therefore, you are more likely to notice someone getting uncomfortable closer than 6 feet. In addition, you might feel more incline to limit your shopping to the physical store which will help you limit your access with criminals.

COVID-19 is also putting you more at risk by helping a potential criminal cover their identity. Pre-pandemic, if someone was covering their facial features, this would be considered suspicious. Today, it is considering doing your civic duty to cover your face with a mask. Making eye contact more important than normal since those are the identifying, unchangeable features.

Black Friday is notorious for criminal activity, and can be a very dangerous time of year. Make sure you stay alert as you make your way through the crowds of shoppers this holiday.

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