Cannabis Security Consultant Pawn Jewelry Tony Gallo

What to do if Your Business is Required to Close Temporarily

During these difficult times, many business owners have asked us what to do if their business is required to close temporarily. The good news is, unlike a natural disaster, electricity will remain on and local police departments will be able to quickly respond to an alarm activation.

If your business is required to close temporarily, here are a few tips to help you and your employees:

  1. ALL merchandise should be stored in safes. Use your safe as a “lifeboat” and fill your safe with as much merchandise as will fit. Most criminals cannot break into a TL-rated safe. If you don’t have a TL-rated safe – get one.
  2. Leave nothing in your displays or showcases. You should not cover your showcases or displays with blankets or sheets, let potential criminals see that there is nothing to steal.
  3. Confirm your alarm system is being monitored and test your system before you leave. Ensure the outside siren is in working condition.
  4. If your business’ surveillance system can send motion-activated emails or SMS messages, it should be tested prior to leaving the store.
  5. You should drive by the store periodically to check the exterior and remove any mail or flyers near your door. You should not enter your store, but you should ensure that the front and back entrances are free of signs of break-ins.
  6. Check your insurance coverage and ensure all-important papers are removed from the store and that your computer system has been fully backed up.
  7. You should keep more interior and exterior lights on than normal at your store. Lighting discourages criminal acts and does not allow them to commit crimes under the cover of darkness.
  8. You should not take your store merchandise home with you. Prior to storing any merchandise in a bank, you should ensure that this is covered by your insurance policy. You should also ensure that transportation to the bank is covered.
  9. You should NOT work in the store alone during the temporary closure.
  10. Prior to reopening, ensure you follow CDC guidelines for sanitizing your store.

It is always more beneficial to be proactive rather than reactive. Remember, money and merchandise can be replaced – your life can’t!

Be safe and be profitable. We will get through this together.

If you would like more information on how to ensure your business succeeds during this crisis, please contact us. We’re always happy to help!